Loan History on CalCentral
You can now see your student loan borrowing history on CalCentral. We hope that providing you with this information will help you make informed decisions about future borrowing and prepare you for loan repayment.
- How do I view my loan history on CalCentral?add
A: Log in to CalCentral and follow these steps:
- Click on your “My Finances” tab.
- Click on “View Awards.” Your loan history will be found in the middle of the page, below the “Housing” section.
- To view your loan history by school year, click “View Summary by Aid Year.”
- To view your total loan history, click on “View Cumulative Debt.”
- When do I start making loan payments?add
A: Many student loans have a grace period, which is a period of time after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment before you must begin repayment. However, federal PLUS loans have no grace period and enter repayment once your loan is fully disbursed (paid out).
Length of grace period:
- Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans - 6 months
- Federal Perkins Loan - 9 months
- Health Professional Student Loan - 12 months
- Berkeley Loan - 9 months
- California DREAM Loan - 6 months
- Summer Sessions Loan - 9 months
- Private Loan - Check with your private loan lender, some private loans may not have a grace period.
- Where do I make my loan payments?add
A: Once your loan repayment begins, you will make payments to your loan servicer. For federal student loans, you can find information about your loan servicer by logging into the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).
To make payments on your Berkeley Loan, California DREAM Loan, Summer Sessions Loan, Health Professional Student Loan, or Federal Perkins Loan, you will make payments to UC Berkeley’s servicer, ECSI.
If you borrowed private student loans, check with your lender to find out how to make payments. You may need to check with multiple lenders if you have borrowed from different lenders.
- Who is my loan servicer?add
A: If you have borrowed federal student loans, the U.S. Department of Education assigns your loans to a loan servicer. Your loan servicer will work with you on repayment plans and loan consolidation and will assist you with other tasks related to your federal student loan. It is important to maintain contact with your loan servicer. To find out who your loan servicer is and how to contact them, log in to your National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) account.
If you have borrowed a Berkeley Loan, California DREAM Loan, Summer Sessions Loan, Health Professional Student Loan, or Federal Perkins Loan, your loan servicer is ECSI.
If you have borrowed a private loan, your lender is your loan servicer.
- Why is my calculated and cumulative debt amount different than the total in "Loan Summary by Aid Year?"add
A: There are two reasons why this may occur:
- You borrowed loans at a different institution. The total loan amount you borrowed at an institution other than Berkeley will show up in your “Total Calculated Debt” and “Cumulative Debt.” However, loans from institutions other than Berkeley will not show under “View Summary by Aid Year.”
- You borrowed loans prior to 2016-2017. Loans you borrowed prior to the 2016-2017 school year will not show up in the “Loan Summary by Aid Year” screen but will be calculated in your “Total Calculated Debt” and “Cumulative Debt.”
- Why is my Parent PLUS Loan not listed?add
A: Your loan history only shows loans borrowed under your name. To see the Parent PLUS loans borrowed, parents should log in to their National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) account.
- Where can I locate information about federal loans I received while attending another school?add
A: For a detailed history of the federal student loans you have borrowed at all schools you have attended, log in to your National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) account.
- I accepted my loans and completed my requirements. Why is it not showing up on my loan history?add
A: Your loan will show up on “Loan Summary by Aid Year” once all or part of your loan pays. The amount shown will be the full amount you accepted, not the amount that has paid. This means that if you have accepted your loan for the full year and half has paid, your loan amount for the full year will show on “Loan Summary by Aid Year.”
Your loan will show up on the “Cumulative Loan Debt” page approximately two weeks after it has paid to your account. This page will show only the amount that has paid and will not show the amount you have accepted that has not yet paid. This means that if you have accepted your loan for the full year and only half has paid, only the paid amount will show on the “Cumulative Loan Debt” page
- I was offered a loan, but it's not showing up under my loan history. What's going on?add
A: Your loans will only show up in your loan history if you have accepted them and they have paid to your account. Loans that have been offered to you, but you have not accepted will not show up in your loan history.
- When will my loan start accruing interest?add
A: Subsidized Loans start accruing interest after your six-month grace period. Unsubsidized loans accrue interest as soon as your loan is disbursed (paid out). The Berkeley Loan, California DREAM Loan, Summer Sessions Loan, Health Professional Student Loan, and the Federal Perkins Loan start accruing interest once your grace period ends. If you have borrowed a private loan, check with your lender to find out when interest will start to accrue. You may need to check with various lenders if you borrow loans from different lenders.
- How do I find my loan servicer for a loan that is not listed on NSLDS?add
A: ECSI is the servicer for the Berkeley Loan, California DREAM Loan, Summer Sessions Loan, Health Professional Student Loan, and the Federal Perkins Loan.
If you borrowed private loans, check directly with your lender. You may need to check with various lenders if you borrow loans from different lenders.
- Is the "Borrowed" amount what I owe?add
A: The “Borrowed” amount is the original amount of each loan you borrowed. This amount does not include any interest that may have accrued on your loans, nor does it include any payments you have made toward your loan balance. If your loans have accrued interest, you will owe the interest in addition to the borrowed amount.
For an accurate federal loan balance that includes payments made, log in to your National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) account. Log in to your ECSI account if you have borrowed the Berkeley Loan, California DREAM Loan, Summer Sessions Loan, Health Professional Student Loan, or the Federal Perkins Loan.
If you have borrowed private loans, check directly with your lender. You may need to check with various lenders if you borrow loans from different lenders.
- I borrowed a private/alternative loan, how do I know when payments start and whom to pay?add
A: Please check with your lender directly, this information was not shared with the school, nor is it listed in your loan history. You may need to check with various lenders if you borrowed loans from different lenders.
Note: UC Berkeley reserves the right to adjust awards to correct any awarding errors. Changes to qualifying information or revisions of federal, state or institutional policy may result in updates to aid eligibility and adjustments of financial aid awards. Information is subject to change.