The Chafee Foster Youth Grant is offered to current or former foster youth who have a financial need. Up to $5,000 is available to qualified students each year.
How to Apply
The online Chafee Foster Youth Grant Application is available through the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) website. You can also find a paper application there and more information about the Chafee program, including up-to-date contact information.
Note: Forms are year-specific. Be sure to complete the applications that correspond with the academic year you will be attending school.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who determines Chafee Grant eligibility?
The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) determines eligibility.
Do I have to reapply for the Chafee grant every year?
No, you do not need to reapply for the Chafee grant annually. You only need to complete either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application
Who do I contact at UC Berkeley for my Chafee?
Contact the Financial Aid & Scholarships office by starting at Cal Student Central.
Will Chafee reduce any of my grants awarded by the Financial Aid Office?
No, per the Consolidated Appropriations Act, Chafee is no longer treated as other financial assistance (OFA).
Who certifies the Chafee Grant at UCB?
The Cal Grant Program Administrator in the Financial Aid & Scholarships office will certify your award.
What is the certification process?
Not until you show as “Awarded” in the CSAC for Administrators system will you be certified by UCB:
What happens after Certification?
After confirming you are enrolled in at least 6 units (Half-Time) for the term, making Satisfactory Academic Progress, and have no outstanding Financial Aid Requirements, your Chafee for the semester will be requested. The following week, we will confirm CSAC has issued the term payment and post your Chafee grant to your awards. It may take 2-3 business days for the funds to be disbursed to your account.